
For any questions, please contact the Chairman or the Secretary. The Event Manager is the person to contact concerning performances of the demonstration team. If there are any problems with this webpage, please contact the Webmaster.

Other useful information

You can visit the RSCDS homepage at

A good starting point for more info about Scottish country dancing is the Strathspey Server.

For local information in Vienna check:

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The maintainer of the RSCDS Vienna Branch website assumes no responsibility for any off-site material accessible via hyperlinks included here. Should you have any problem - legal, moral or otherwise - with non-RSCDS Vienna Branch material that you could conceivably reach by starting here and following hyperlinks, please take it up with the other site’s maintainers, not us. Unless we explicitly tell you otherwise, a link from the RSCDS Vienna Branch website to another website does not imply that we support or endorse anything on that site, or even believe what it says.


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Copyright © 2010–2018
RSCDS Vienna Branch
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society/Vienna Branch - Verein zur Erhaltung und Förderung der schottischen Tanztradition