Classes taught in 2014/2015

The classes taught earlier can be found here:

More specific information on steps, formations and dances can be found at:


  • Summer Party

2015-06-17 (Ann/Felix)

first half

advanced half

  • dances: ?


  • AGM

2015-06-03 (Ann/Ann)

first half

advanced half

2015-05-27 (Ann/?)

first half

advanced half

2015-05-20 (Ann/?)

first half

advanced half

2015-05-13 (Ann/Ann)

first half

advanced half

2015-05-06 (Bexi/Ann)

first half

advanced half

2015-04-29 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Warm-up dance learned in Budapest
      (Walking in a large circle, lady on man’s right: \ 1-8: walk in a circle: 4 bars to the left; 4 bars back to the right \ 9-16: Ladies pass in front of partner and around corner, walking a figure of 8. \ 19-24: Men pass in front of partner and around corner, walking a figure of 8. \ 25-32: ladies advance for 4 steps, retire for 4 steps; men advance for 4, retire diagonally to their right to find a new partner)
    2. The Peat Inn (R32, 4/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 1)
    3. The Gentleman (S32, 3/4L, RSCDS XXXV 5)
    4. Postie's Jig (J32, 4/4L, RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2 18)

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-04-22 (Ann/Felix)

first half

advanced half

2015-04-15 (Ann/?)

first half

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-04-08 (Ann/?)

first half

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-03-25 (Ann/?)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Petronella (R32, 2/4L, RSCDS I 1)
    2. The Walled Garden (S32, 2/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 1)
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change and setting step: Quick time
    • Strathspey: traveling and setting
  • teaching (figures):
    • Poussette in Reel (progressive) and Strathspey time (non-progressive)
    • figure of 8
    • Allemande for 2 couples
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Petronella figure
    • 1/2 RS Reels of 3 on the sides
    • 3-couple Allemande

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-03-18 (Ann/Felix)

first half

advanced half

2015-03-11 (Ann/?)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Flowers of Edinburgh (R32, 3/4L, RSCDS I 6)
    2. The Walled Garden (S32, 2/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 1)
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change; setting; changing from one to the other: e.g. dance skip change for 6 then set for 2: in preparation for Flowers of Edinburgh
    • strathspey travelling and setting: setting with moving, in preparation for Strathspey All round poussette

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-03-04 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Dashing White Sergeant (R32, ?RR, RSCDS III 2)
      (reviewed because of the S TB to corners, followed by the LS reel of 3: the same as we did in ‘The Duke of Perth’)
    2. Duke of Perth (R32, 3/4L, RSCDS I 8)
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change
    • setting
    • slip step for the circle: Hands in a circle: hands at shoulder height; elbows down; give support by pulling ever so slightly. gently, to help people keep it round and steady.
  • teaching (figures):
    • Turn R Turn L = TR TL in short form: we practised using 4 bars to turn then 2 bars to turn
    • Corner/Partner/Corner/Partner: facing first corners: turn 1st Corner with the RH (for 2 bars); turn your Partner with the LH for 2 bars; turn your 2nd corner with the RH, then turn your partner with the LH. As each dance might have something else to do following this figure, you simply follow the directions in the dance. This evening, the first couple ended facing first corners again for a different figure.
    • S TB = Set to 1st corner, Turn 1st corner with the BH (Both Hands, using setting step); Repeat with 2nd corner: Set TB; finish facing 1st corner again: ready to do the LS reel of three on the sidelines; this is a LS reel of 3 for 6 bars only; use the last 2 bars to cross over using your RH with your partner, to get back to own sides.
    • Turn R/L half way, keeping hold of your partner’s ready to balance in line, ie using setting step, followed by a ‘chase’ to your own side.

advanced half

2015-02-25 (Ann/Ann)

first half

advanced half

2015-02-18 (Ann/Ann)

first half

  • dances:

    1. St Andrew's Fair (J32, 3/4L, RSCDS 5/1982 2)
    2. Monymusk (S32, 3/4L, RSCDS XI 2)
  • notes:

    • As we had 5 couples for this last part of the evening, we practised the dance for everyone and we all did it! Well done! Not easy but fun!
  • teaching (steps):

    • Skip change to setting step and back again to skip change
    • Slip step in a circle to the left and back to the right
    • Strathspey: traveling step and setting step
  • teaching (figures):

    • Skip change going into Slip step (to the left; THEN slip step back to the Right and change again to Skip change: with a slight change of body position and the HOP to get one started on the foot needed: This is for the dance: St. Andrew’s Fair)
    • Strathspey setting (Moving to the Right with a move to ‘PULL the Right Should Back’: called a ‘Petronella Step’: needed to move to the sidelines in Monymusk)

advanced half

2015-02-11 (Ann/Ann)

first half

advanced half

2015-02-04 (Ann/?)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Duke of Atholl's Reel (J32, 2/4L, RSCDS XVI 3)
    2. Monymusk (S32, 3/4L, RSCDS XI 2)
    3. The Ambassadors' Reel (R32, 3/4L, Mayr: Vienna Book)
  • notes:
    • We had 14 people: one 3-cpl set; one 4-cpl set then two 4-cpl sets!
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change
    • setting
    • Changing from skip change to setting step
    • Set Advancing; TR= set advancing means to use the jeté of the setting step to help yourself to move forward so that it will be easier to turn your partner with the RH in 2 bars. (The Duke of Atholl’s Reel)
    • Strathspey traveling and setting step
    • Changing from traveling and setting step
  • teaching (figures):
    • S RA (half way); S LA (half way) = Set; Right Hands Across half way; Set; Left Hands Across half way (in The Duke of Atholl’s Reel)
    • RL = Rights and Lefts (in The Duke of Atholl’s Reel)
    • Half figure of 8
    • Circle in Strathpsey time
    • Right Shoulder 6 bar reel of 3: the everyone needs to be where they started the reel in 6 bars with no extra turns; the final two bars are for the first couple to cross back to their own sides.
    • TR cast TL 1 1/4 (in Monymusk)
    • TR (first corner) pass RS; TR (second corner) pass RS; Circle : this figure appears in many dances): The Ambassador’s Farewell; a reel

advanced half

  • dances: ?


  • dances: Burns’ Night


rehersal for Burns’ Night

2015-01-21 (Ann/?)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Rothesay Rant (J32, 4S, Holden: Guide (ex-Collins))
      (to learn: Corners in a square set)
    2. Friendships (S32, 4/4L, RSCDS Graded 3 3)
      (to learn: Circle in one direction only, sometimes to the Left, sometimes to the right)
  • notes:

  • teaching (steps):
    • Quick time: Jig/Reel: slip step; skip change; setting step: and moving from one to the other
    • Strathspey: traveling step and setting step
  • teaching (figures):
    • RL: Rights and Lefts
    • Ladies’ Chain
    • RA LA: Right Hands Across; Left Hands Across
  • teaching (new figures):
    • HALF Rights and Lefts
    • HALF Ladies’ Chain
    • HALF RA: Half Right Hands Across : half RA
    • HALF LA: Half Left Hands Across: half LA

advanced half

  • dances: ?

2015-01-14 (Ann/Bexi)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Miss Welsh's Reel (J32, 3/4L, RSCDS Graded 13) (to learn turn corner partner corner partner)
    2. Largo Law (S32, 3/4L, MMM) (to learn the circle in Strathspey time and the reel of 4)
  • teaching (steps):
    • Quick time (Reel or Jig): skip change and setting steps; changing from one to the other
    • Strathspey time: traveling step
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Jig Time: Corner Partner Corner Partner : we reviewed how to find our corners in order to dance this new figure: 1st couple faces their first corner: Turn 1st corner with the Right Hand; 2 bars to turn so help each other around; Turn Partner with the LH; for 2 bars: a LONG way to go as you have to finish facing your 2nd corner; Turn your 2nd corner with the RH for 2 bars; Turn your partner with the RH BUT really only a CROSSING over to your own side of the dance, ending in 2nd place on own sides.
    • Strathspey time: Circle: form the circle from the sidelines; start with the Right Foot leading but body twists slightly in order to go left in the circle. Hands: look to your left to grasp the outstretched hand of the person beside you WHILE you offer your RIGHT hand to the person to your right, without looking at them. Each finds the ‘offered hand’ and moves to the left.
    • Strathspey time: Reel of 4: learned in Strathspey time (in the dance called: Largo Law): To begin, line up across the dance as follows: Between the 2nd couple across the dance stands the 1st couple back to back: 1st Man faces 2nd Lady while 1st Lady faces 2nd Man. General rule for this figure: pass Right Shoulder on the outside, ie the ends and pass Left Shoulder in the center ready to go out to pass RS again. Each time you are in the center, pass LS; each time you are at an end, pass RS. Counting: 2 steps per pass, getting back to your own starting place by 8. Think where you will be by 4 bars, or half way. This will be the same in quick time as in Strathspey time… just quicker! ;-))

advanced half

2015-01-07 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Goat Fell Gallop (J32, 4/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 2)
    2. Sandy o'er the Lea (S32, 2/4L, MMM)
    3. The Reel of the 51st Division (R32, 3/4L, RSCDS XIII 10)
      (this dance has ‘CORNERS’: to find your corners, the FIRST COUPLE must already be standing in 2nd place, having progressed: Woman looking across at her partner: the man to her Right, diagonally across, is her FIRST CORNER; similarly, the man to her LEFT, diagonally opposite, is her SECOND CORNER; Likewise, the Woman to the Man’s R diagonally opposite, right hand side: is the man’s 1st corner; the man’s SECOND CORNER is to the man’s diagonal LEFT position.)
  • teaching (steps, reviewed):
    • slip step; skip change; setting step: all in ‘quick time’ ie for Jigs or Reels
  • teaching (steps):
    • Strathspey Traveling Step: a strong slow elegant step using the same positions as in skip change: Start with the R leg extended into 4th position (in front of you); bend the supporting L leg; As the music begins, this bend is in anticipation of the actual ‘stepping’ onto the R foot for bar 1: Step or place RF down, close LF BEHIND the RF into 3rd position; also rise up onto toes slightly; extend the RF again; finally: pull the L leg through, keeping knees open (think of keeping the front of a kilt flat!), while the foot comes through in a straight line to be extended in front for the LF to do the same thing; end with a gentle ‘lift’ or ‘hop’ to help move forward. The same begins again with the RF supporting and the LF extending.
    • Strathspey Setting Step: a similar step but done sideways, like the pas de basque in quick time: To the Right to begin: extend the R leg to the Right in 2nd position while BENDING the L leg for the ‘downwards’ motion as described above; Step onto RF; close the LF in 3rd; step again to the Right; bring the LF up behind the RF and give a gentle ‘hop’, closing the LF in 3rd but with the foot ‘matching the line of the leg’; Repeat to the Left.
  • teaching (figures):
    • Circle; Allemande; RA LA (Right Hands Across, Left Hands Across); TL = Turn Left
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Set Turn Right Hand (S TR): in quick time: changing from setting step to a skip change: make sure the HOP is there for the change of step: turning in 2 bars = one has to help each other around by each pulling a bit more, equally (!) to get around in time.
    • Set Turn Left Hand (S TL): the same thing applies ;-)
    • Balance in Line: this means 'Setting while having hands joined with partners and corners, e.g. in Reel of the 51st Division
    • concept of 1st and 2nd corners (see above)

advanced half

2014-12-10 (Ann/Heiko)

first half

advanced half

  • dances:
    1. Gang the Same Gate (S32, 3/4L, RSCDS XXXVI 4)
    2. Pelorus Jack (J32, 3/4L, RSCDS XLI 1)
    3. Mairi's Wedding (R40, 3/4L, Cosh: 22 SCD)
  • notes:
    • we had 7 couples (plus teacher) for the 1t two dances and did the last in a 5-couple set
    • We did the 1st two dances in 7-couple sets (borrowing a couple from the bottom set) - worked very well
  • teaching (figures):
    • explaining and repeating Set and Link for Three (Walk-throughs to counting for everyone and some dance-through to music)

2014-12-03 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. For Lack of Silver (R32, 2/4L, Boyd: Katherine's Book)
    2. Blue Bonnets (J32, 2/4L, RSCDS III 5)
    3. Border Meeting (J32, 2RR, Goldring: Goldring Graded 1)
      (Ladies’ Chain)
  • teaching (steps):
    • Slip step: used in a circle
    • Skip change of step: used in quick time dances (jigs and reels) to move forward or backward
    • Setting step: used in quick time for ‘dancing on the spot’ as well as for some figures to use it for moving: e.g. Poussette
  • teaching (reviewed figures):
    • RL
    • Ladies’ Chain
  • teaching (new figures):
    • half a figure of 8
    • Poussette: a progressive figure, moving around a ‘square-ish’ shape, so that 1s and 2s change position with each other

advanced half

2014-11-26 (Ann/Bexi)

first half

  • dances:
    1. It Should be Fun (J32, 4/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 3)
    2. The Machine without Horses (J32, 3/4L, RSCDS XII 12)
    3. The Scotch Circle (R32, 2RR, RSCDS XXIV 1)
  • teaching (steps):
    • Skip change: with advance and retire: make sure that the skip change begins with a HOP, both when dancing forward as well as dancing backwards
    • Setting step or Pas de Basque (to the Right to begin: Down, Beat (in 3rd position in front), Beat: R foot again, AND: with L foot extending, ready to repeat this to the Left: LF Down, RF Beat (3rd in front), Beat, AND, RF extended)
    • Setting step to skip change (This is used in many dances to move between a setting step and a moving step: Setting as described above, with the CHANGE to skip change beginning with a HOP on the left foot with the RF extended to complete the step)
  • teaching (figures):
    • Right Hands Across (RA); Left Hands Across (LA)
    • Ladies’ Chain
    • 3 couple Promenade
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Set and cast

advanced half

2014-11-19 (Ann/Heiko)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Highland Schottische (S8, 1RR, Guide (ex-Collins))
      (with Highland Schottische step, see below)
    2. The Eightsome Reel (R464, 4S, RSCDS II 12)
      (with Grand Chain, see below)
    3. Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel (J32, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 7)
  • teaching (new steps):
    • Highland Schottische step for the dance of the same name: Men’s side start to the Left; Women’s Side start to the Right: Ballroom hold
      • Side Behind Side In front, Step together step Hop;
      • Side Behind Side In front Step Together Step Hop
      • Step together step hop
      • Step together step hop
      • Step hop, step hop, step hop, step hop
    • Moving on the setting step: ‘Step beat beat and’: to the right: the ‘and’ then becomes the ‘jeté’ to lead you to the other side to set again: to move, you put the ‘jeté’ forward for the ‘step’, still closing in FRONT, with the next jeté, you again move forward. (This is used for turning with your partner in a Turn Both hands - TB)
  • teaching (new figures):
    • GRAND CHAIN: as we needed this for the Eightsome Reel: in a square set: two steps per hand: for 16 bars. Face your partner, pass with the RH, then LH, RH, LH, Repeat for more times until you are back to your own place in the square set.
    • Figure of 8 around a standing couple: for 1st couple to dance up around 2nd couple who have moved up: look for the ‘pattern of the 8’ on the floor: judge the distance for 2 bars to cross up to the opposite side of the dance, 2 to curve to your partner’s place, 2 to cross up to own side, 2 to curve into your own place. The lady crosses first each time.

advanced half

  • dances:
    1. Round and Roundabout (S32, 3/3L, RSCDS XLIX 7)
      (with Circulating Knot)
    2. The Abbot of Unreason (J32, 3/4L, Levy: Tin Woodman)
      (with Balance and Turn Corners)
    3. Mairi's Wedding (R40, 3/4L, Cosh: 22 SCD)
  • notes:
    • In the 2nd half we had two 3cpl sets (incl. teacher).
  • teaching (figures):
    • 3-couple Knot (as an introduction to…)
    • circulating Knot
    • Balance and turn corner (1c with 1st and 2nd corners set in double triangle positions, turn with 1st corner RH in 2 bars, 1c with 1st and 2nd corners set in double triangle positions, turn 2nd corner LH in 2 bars)

2014-11-12 (Bexi)

first half

advanced half

2014-11-05 (Ann/Heiko)

first half

  • dances:

    1. The Honeymoon (R32, 3/4L, RSCDS Graded 8)
      (using the new progressive figure)
    2. The Dashing White Sergeant (R32, ?RR, RSCDS III 2)
      (an around the room dance: using STB LS reel of 3)
  • teaching (steps, reviewed):

    • skip change; slip step, setting step
  • teaching (figures, reviewed):

    • reel of three, Left shoulder; set to partner and turn with both hands, using setting step.
  • teaching (new):

    • progression in a three-couple set
    • cross Right Hand (RH), cast off one place while 2s step up; cross Left Hand (LH), with 3s staying in their spot; casting off one more place to below the 3s; dancing up to 2nd place on own sides. In short form: XR cast; XL cast; Dance up using RH to 2nd place

advanced half

  • dances:
    1. Round and Roundabout (S32, 3/3L, RSCDS XLIX 7)
      (repeated as wished by the dances, changing in some who haven’t danced it)
    2. Tribute to the Borders (J32, 3/4L, RSCDS Leaflets 31)
      (in 7-couple set)
  • notes:
    • about 7 couples in the 2nd half
    • Tribute to the Borders was done in a 7-couple set, i.e. in 2nd times though top (3cpl) set borrows top couple from (4cpl) bottom set - no change places at the end, because bottom couple starts immediately as 1st couple in the bottom set.
  • during class some additional teaching notes for Round and Roundabout were found which might be helpful:
    • in the both handed turns (bar 11-12 and 19-20) the dancing couple let go their left hands to lead into lines across the dance or on the side, respectively, flowing on into the circle
    • the circle should be opened early enough to end back in straight lines across the dance (bar 16) or on the sides (bar 24) - in class the shape kept to stay a bit roundish, hence, possibly making it difficult to rememeber on which positions to end
    • from bar 9-25 the supporting couples will always start and end in the same positions (2c in 1st place own side, 3c in 3rd position own side) - bar 9: start setting diag, bar 13: start circle once round, bar 17: start setting diag, bar 21: start circle once round, bar 25: start circulating knot… and the knot will end in progressed places on order 3, 1, 2.
    • bar 25: to get onto the circular path, 3rd couple at the bottom should NOT dance to the right to start, but turn left already (please note, even in a ‘normal’ 3cpl knot the 1st step does not go to the right!)

2014-10-29 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Forest Prince (J32, 2/4L, Boyd: Katherine's Book)
    2. The Dashing White Sergeant (R32, ?RR, RSCDS III 2)
      (This is a popular Round the Room dance and will be dancing at the VIS Ceilidh on Nov. 22.)
  • teaching (steps):
    • slip step: for circles: to the left: 1st to 2nd position; closing in 1st each time: starting with a hop. count to 7, step together. then back to the right.
    • skip change of step: hop on the Left Foot: RF in 4th with straight leg to begin: hop: close in 3rd behind, hop again and still lead with RF then change with LF leading and repeat.
    • setting step: to dance on the spot: RF Down, beat in 3rd in front with LF; RF again then extend LF in order to repeat to the left. One setting step MEANS: set to the right then to the left
  • teaching (figures):
    • PROM: Promenade: RH in RH; LH in LH: with your partner: lady on the man’s right: man leads with the RH to guide his lady around; figure in the dance: 1) SLIGHTLY out to the RH side; 2s follow 1s 2) Vere across the top of the set; 2s follow 3) turn to face down on the men’s side of the set; 2s follow 4) ALL face down 5) 1s dance in to the center 6) 2s follow to dance into the center 7) both dance up 8) both dance DIAGONALLY out to their own side
    • RA LA: Right Hands Across; Left Hands Across: like a wheel
  • teaching (new figures):
    • S TB: Set to partner; Turn Partner with Both Hands, using SETTING STEPS
    • Left Shoulder Reel of Three: 1s face down; 2s and 3s face up in a line of three: 2s pass 1s with the Left Shoulder; 2s dance slightly to their right while 1s also dance slightly to their right; 3s dance slightly to their left: 1s and 3s MIRROR each other; 1s pass through the center of the reel first, keep ‘reeling’, each person having a turn in the center of the ‘8’. Timing: by half way (4 bars) 1s and 3s have changed places while 2s will be in the center but facing the opposite direction.

advanced half

2014-10-22 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Gay Gordons (X16, 1RR, Collins SCD)
      (VIS Ceilidh)
    2. Knit the Pocky (R32, 2/4L, RSCDS XI 1)
    3. Davy's Locker (R24, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 4)
      (repeat from Oct. 8)
    4. Over the Rainbow (R32, 2/4L, Boyd: Katherine's Book)
      (from Katherine’s Book, devised by Iain Boyd for his daughter and in memory of Walt Disney)
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change
  • teaching (figures):
    • TR TL : Turn Right, Turn Left
    • RA LA: Right hands Across, Left hands Across
    • Adv/Ret: Advance and Retire : starting with a HOP, dance forwards for two skip change of steps; with a HOP, dance backwards for two skip change of step
    • Lead down and back up: ALWAYS Right hands in Rights hands to Lead Down and Back: lead down for 4 and lead back up for 4.
    • Lead down for 3, back up for 3, cast for 2
    • RL : Rights and Lefts: the ‘square shaped figure’: Dance 2 skip change of step, crossing with your partner RH (Right Hands); with the person you meet on the sidelines, cross with Left hand; Cross RH with your partner again back to your own side of the dance; Cross LH with the person you meet on the sidelines, back to you own place. This last LH exchange there are two people who need to do the ‘Polite Turn’.
    • PROM: Promenade: Partners dance RH in RH, LH in LH, with the RH over the Left so that the Man can lead his partner using the Righ Hand.: Dance with 8 skip change of steps: The bar nos. refer to FIRST COUPLE Sequence: Dance Bar 1: slightly out to the RH side (Right Hand Side); Bar 2: 1st cpl, followed by 2nd: dance across the set towards the Men’s side; Bar 3: 1st cpl dance down on the men’s side followed by his 2nd couple, all dancing down; Bar 4: ALL face DOwN; Bar 5: the 1st cpl dance IN and start UP the middle of the dance; Bar 6: the TWOS move in to the center of the dance; Bar 7: ALL dance UP the middle of the dance, dance UP the center of the dance; Bar 8: All dance DIAGONALLY out to your own place.
  • teaching (new steps):
    • Pas de Basque or Setting Step
  • teaching (new figures):
    • TR cast, TL: Turn with the Right hand for 2 bars, cast off to 2nd place for 2 bars; Turn with the LH for 4 bars = 8 bars of music. This is also the Progression
    • TB: Turn with Both hands: this time we danced this with 4 skip change of step. (Usually this is down with Pas de Basque but the dance instructions said: to use skip change: Knit the Pocky, Book 11/1

advanced half

2014-10-15 (Ann/Ann)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Canadian Barn Dance (X16, 1RR, Durrands: Guide (ex-Collins))
    2. Kelso Races (R32, 3/4L, MMM)
    3. Jane's Jig (J32, 2/4L, Hoffmann: Let's All Dance Too)
    4. Canadian Barn Dance (X16, 1RR, Durrands: Guide (ex-Collins))
      (once as a mixer dance, changing parners each time: lady going back to meet a new man, coming forward)
  • notes:
    • 22 dancers for the beginners’ half
  • teaching (steps):
    • skip change
    • slip step
  • teaching (figures):
    • lead down and up (right hand in right hand)
    • TR: turn by the Right Hand
  • teaching (new steps):
    • Advance and retire: two skip change of steps going forward, beginning with HOP and the right foot extended and straight; do two skip change of step forward, closing with the right foot BEHIND in 3rd position; ready to do a HOP to start leading backwards with the right foot. Be sure to keep the HOP in this step while going backwards. Continue with the LF going back again with the LF leading.
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Back to Back (Dos si Dos): passing RS ( right shoulder), dance around your partner back to place on own sides of the dance. You actually dance backwards into place, using Retire of step: skip change as in Advance and Retire.
    • TR 1 1/2 times: this is a quicker turn leaving the people on opposite sides of the dance. Feel the tension in the arms to help each other get round in 4 bars of skip change of step.
    • Figure of 8 on the sidelines around standing couples: start by casting out; dance below the 2s, who step up to top place; dance in and meet, then continue to dance between the 3s in the middle of the dance. Cast out around the 3s and dance up to 2nd place on own sides of the dance.

advanced half

  • dances:
    1. The Whistling Wind (R32, 3/4L, RSCDS XXXVI 5)
      (has half diagonal Rights and Lefts)
    2. Cape Town Wedding (S32, 3/4L, RSCDS XXXIX 4)
      (has setting in Tandom then setting in a circle and spiralling out back to place; then: The KNOT)
  • notes:
    • 10 dancers (plus teacher) for the advanced half

2014-10-08 (Ann/Ann)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Dhoon (J32, 4/4L, RSCDS Children 1)
    2. Davy's Locker (R24, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 4)
    3. Strip the Willow (j40, 4/4L, RSCDS I 7)
  • notes:
    • four 4-cple sets: LOTS of new dancers: 4 plus those from 1st, 2nd, 3rd evenings
  • teaching (steps):
    • slip step
    • skip change
  • teaching (figures):
    • RA LA
    • TR TL
    • Step up (or down)
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Lead down for 3, up for 3, cast into 2nd place (progression)
    • 2-cple Promenade

advanced half

2014-10-01 (Ann/Bexi)

first half

  • dances:
    1. Britannia Two Step (X16, 3pRR, Guide (ex-Collins))
    2. The Highland Fair (J32, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 6)
      (we danced this one last week, with a change of the final figure: this time as it should be with the RL as the final figure)
    3. Galloway House (R32, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 5)
      (new figure for progression: TR, cast off to 2nd place (2’s stepping up), Turn L for 4 bars. End the dance with RL))
    4. Britannia Two Step (X16, 3pRR, Guide (ex-Collins))
  • teaching (steps):
    • foot positions
    • Progression in a 2-couple dance
    • skip change: start with a HOP on the LF, RF leads with a straight leg
    • slip step: start with a HOP, 2nd position, close in 1st, etc.
  • teaching (figures):
    • cast off behind the sidelines (turning towards the outside of the set) and back to place (again, turn away from the set and dance back up to place)
    • circle to the left and back: starting with a HOP
    • lead down the middle and back up to the top (Right Hand in Right Hand RH)
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Rights and Lefts: RL: dancing across the set, changing RH with partner; changing places on the sidelines, LH with that person; dancing across the set, again with partner, RH; changing places on the sidelines, LH, WITH a POLITE TURN, feel the way to face in at the end by keeping eye contact with that person. This figure is danced 2 skip change of steps per hand, and per direction: 2 beats to cross, 2 on the sidelines, 2 to cross again, 2 on the sidelines. This figure is NON-Progressive, ie you do not change position within the figure but end in the place where you began to dance Rights and Lefts.
    • Turn Right Hand, Cast off one place, Turn with the Left Hand: TR, cast, TL: the timing: 2 beats to turn RH, 2 beats to cast into second place on own sides, 4 beats to Turn Left Hand: TR cast TL. The 2nd couple would move up the set by: IN, OVER, BACK, TOGETHER.
  • teaching (new steps):
    • Pas de basque: gently dancing on the spot: Britannia Two-Step: a gentle introduction to this step

advanced half

2014-09-24 (Ann/Felix)

first half

  • dances:
    1. The Haymakers (J48, 4/4L, RSCDS II 11)
    2. The Highland Fair (J32, 2/4L, RSCDS Graded 6)
    3. The Borrowdale Exchange (R32, 3T, Haynes: Carnforth 2) OR The Dunedin Festival Dance (R32, 3T, Haynes: Dunedin 4)
    4. The Kingston Jig (J32, 4/4L, Goldring: Goldring Graded 1)
  • teaching (steps, review):
    • Slip Step: for circles and slip down and back
    • Skip Change: for both jigs and reels, what we call in ‘quick time’. : Starts with a HOP and keep the HOP when you continue with the same foot and as well on the CHANGE to the other foot. We start with the Right Foot to begin counting
    • First: heels together and toes turned outwards: for resting in place in a set; to start off both Slip Step and Skip Change
    • Second: toes still turned out with heels further apart leaving a space between your feet.: to move from 1st to 2nd when dancing the slip step in a circle
    • Third: Right Foot: in front of the Left Foot, in a T shape with the heel of the RF ouching the instep of the LF. OR the LF heel touching the instep of the RF. This is for closing in 3rd in the middle of the skip change of step
    • Fourth: found by standing in 1st position and moving your RF heel forward in a line away from your LF heel. Point your toe and turn out, with a straight leg, and this is 4th. We use this one for beginning the skip change of step, with a straight leg
  • teaching (figures, review):
    • Circle: hands at shoulder height, bent elbows, support the person on either side of you.Move to the Left for 7, close together, move to the Right for 7, close together. (counts of 8 in total, each way)
    • TR TL: Turn Right Hand, Turn Left Hand: shake hand hold, elbows down; support your partner.
    • RA LA: Right hands Across, Left hands Across: like a wheel: take the hand of the person diagonally opposite you: shake hand hold again. Move with skip change of step, counting 4 steps for RA and 4 for LA.
    • Cast Off: casting OUTWARDS from the set, dancing down behind the side lines
  • teaching (new figures):
    • Lead Down and up: RIGHT hand in RIGHT, the man leads his partner down the middle of the set, usually for 4, then, keeping RH in RH, dance back up to the top of the set
    • Cast OFF and Cast BACK to place: Usually 1st couple will cast off, turning OUTWARDS to dance down behind the sidelines, then CAST BACK, again outwards to return to place STEP UP/ STEP DOWN: for moving up or down the set, use the foot closest to the direction you are going: Count of 4: IN, OVER, BACK, TOGETHER.
    • Promenade Hold: man with the lady on his right: Right hand in Right and Left hand in Left: Right Hands held OVER top the LH. This is used for guiding your partner around the room, man leading the woman
  • teaching (new steps):
    • running step for The Haymakers

advanced half

2014-09-17 (Ann/Felix) - 1st class

first half

  • dances:
    1. Virginia Reel (R40, 4/4L, Guide (ex-Collins))
    2. Cumberland Reel (J32, 4/4L, RSCDS I 11)
    3. Welcome to the Dance (J32, 2RR, Vandegrift: Let's All Dnc 1)
    4. The Bramble Circle (R/J32, 1C, Vandegrift: Let's All Dnc 1)
      (a dance to get acquainted with other dancers)
  • teaching (steps):
    • walking step, to the beat: for the warm-up and the dance: Virginia Reel
    • slip step: for circles: HOP, step, close, step close, etc. to the Left for 7 counts, step, close, then back to the Right, with a hop, step, close, etc. to another count of 8, closing into first position on 8. Uses 1st and 2nd positions of feet
    • skip change of step: starting with a HOP, with the Right Foot leading first, hop, then change to the Left Foot leading
  • teaching (figures):
    • Circle
    • Turns: with Right Hand, with Left Hand: TR, TL (short form)
    • Right Hands Across, Left Hands Across: RA LA (short form)
    • Hands and Arms: elbows bent, firm grip to feel support of the others to help with turning or dancing in a circle.
    • Hands: shake-hand hold with finger tips so that you have a grip but can also let go nicely and easliy
    • Cast off: this means to cast away from the set: in the Virginia Reel and the Cumberland Reel: both casts took the dancers to the bottom of the set to follow up to the top again.
    • Lead down and back: Right hand in right hand of partner: the Man leads his lady down to the bottom the back up to the top of the set
    • Progression: the term used when the first couple moves to another place in the set to give another couple a chance to be top couple. The others are then supporting couples to help with the structure of the dance.

advanced half