Register: Vienna Whitsun Weekend 2024

This form lets you register for this event. Registration closes on May 30, 2024, 2 a.m.. There are currently unfortunately no places available. But we shall maintain a waiting list in case people have to cancel.

Important: If you want to share a double room with someone, please ensure that you submit a separate form for each of you, plus giving the other person’s name in the »Share with« entry. This avoids queries and delays that would otherwise occur if we find you wanting to share a room with somebody who doesn’t seem to be registered at all because they did not submit a registration form. Thank you!


Please include your e-mail address so we can send you confirmation and payment details. Please also provide a telephone number so we can contact you if we have any queries.

Please put this registration on the waiting list if there isn't enough room

When you submit this form, you will be registered for the event. For queries or cancellations, please contact Beatrix Wepner (